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Tuesday, November 8, 2011


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(by the way these are not my cookies, I stole them from Pinterest)
As most of you probably already know, we are expecting Smith baby #3!
We are thinking pink, but if we get another boy we already know what to do with little boys! Jackson already has names picked out, if its a boy he'll name him Wilbur like the cool time-traveling kid from Meet the Robinsons. And if its a girl he will name her Princess Peach (from Mario, of course). As for me, I am enjoying (insert plenty of sarcasm) dropping the pounds as food has lost all appeal and when I do eat it, it rarely stays with me long. I'm about 10.5 weeks along, so I'm hoping to find relief in a week and a half. i'm crossing my fingers! There's nothing like being pregnant to cause you to feel like a terrible wife, mother, and homemaker. My poor house looks a lot like the 7 dwarfs house
 House in need of cleaning
of course although I don't have 7 little men running around, I do have 5 little boys making messes all day long! I do not exaggerate, look at those messy kids...

Despite being ill we've had a very eventful October. Somehow I managed to get these boys some costumes, probably because I didn't attempt to make any part of their costumes this year. Jack was supposed to be a pirate, since I got him the costume for his birthday, but he whined to Jason behind my back that mommy was making him be a pirate, but he wanted to be Mario. He never even told me! So he already had the hat and a red shirt, I found $2 overalls at Saver's that were perfect and drew him a mustache, voila Mario! Although if anyone called him Mario he'd pull his hat off and say "no, I'm Jackson" lol. Lucky Chandler got to wear Jackson's pirate costume, after several adjustments with some safety pins it fit just right and he was more than happy to be a pirate. Once Chandler discovered trick or treating I don't think he would've cared what we dressed him in! He had a blast! And even though his bucket started getting a bit heavy he refused to let anyone help him, he was very proud of the candy he collected.

At the beginning of October we went to Pine with Jason's whole family to spend some quality time together before Misty and Tyler moved to Delaware. It was a fun weekend, but pretty loud and wild with 9 kids! Jason and I learned that Chandler doesn't sleep so well when he has to share a room ( and therefore neither do we). We've rethought having Jack and Chandler share a room when the baby gets here. So now the baby will move in with Jack. He wakes up 2 or 3 times a night anyway, maybe I'll just have him feed the baby in the middle of the night :-)

At the end of the month Jason's grandpa Smith passed away, so we hopped in the car and drove to St.George for the weekend. We are really going to miss grandpa, he was always so funny! It was nice to see all of the Smith family again.

 Porter and Chandler at the St.George temple.
 Anna, Hallie, Lincoln, and Jackson singing "I love to see the temple". That was the sweetest thing to see, I can't believe they all 4 stood and sang so nicely.

 The boy Smith cousins were the pall bearers.
Grandma Smith and her 4 kids, Rob, Rick, Laurie, and Scott

Getting ready for bed in our hotel in Utah. Cute matching pjs.
My children are animals!

We happy that Phoenix has finally cooled down and we're looking forward to the wonderful holiday season!!!


Shauni said...

Congrats, Jodi and Jason! I hope you start feeling better soon!

Laurel Baker said...

We hadn't heard that you were expecting! Congrats! SOOOOO excited for you! We miss you guys so much! I can't believe how much your boys have grown! LOVE that picture of Porter and Chandler in front of the temple! So cute! Hope you have a great holiday season!

Kenningtons said...

AAAHHH! Congratulations!! We always have babies close together so now I'm feeling the pressure to have another. Not really..... I hope you start feeling better soon. Somehow being sick plus being Mommy just doesn't add up!

Jodi and Jason said...

yeah I thought of you, I've never been pregnant when you weren't, also Heather, but she says she's not joining me either lol.

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